| NIP. 19690615 199403 1 002 NIDN. 0015066906 Expertise / Research Interest: Control System, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing email: arisnasuha@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 19900902 202203 1 006 NIDN. 0002029006 Expertise / Research Interest: Vocational Education email: septianrahmanhakim@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 19890605 201903 1 014 NIDN. 0005068907 Expertise / Research Interest: Instrumentation and Control, Robotics email: ardyseto@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 19841009 201012 1 001 NIDN. 0009108404 Expertise / Research Interest: Telecommunication, Information Technology email: purno.tri@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 19910917 201803 1 001 NIDN. 0017099105 Expertise / Research Interest: Digital Telecommunication, Computer Architecture, Networking email: arya.sony@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 19791214 201012 2 002 NIDN. 0014127906 Expertise / Research Interest: Signal Processing email: dessy.irmawati@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 199110242024211001 NIDN. 0024109105 Expertise / Research Interest: Control System and Robotika, UAV, IoT email: oktafagnidhewa@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 19920613 202203 1 008 NIDN. 0008089104 Expertise / Research Interest: Computer Network email: alifhidayatsofyan@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 12107900406786 NIDN. 0006049006 Expertise / Research Interest: Control System email: gilang.n.p.pratama@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. 12009920811718 NIDN. 0011089206 Expertise / Research Interest: Electric Drive, Electric Machines, Power Electronics email: mentariputrijati@uny.ac.id SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
| NIP. 198804122018031001 NIDN. - Expertise / Research Interest: Game Education email: - SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. - NIDN. - Expertise / Research Interest: Cloud Computing email: - SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. - NIDN. - Expertise / Research Interest: Artificial Intelligent email: - SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS
 | NIP. - NIDN. - Expertise / Research Interest: Antenna Propagation email: - SINTA | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS